Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Week 3 / Future Scenarios

Lecture Week 3 / Pattern Language

In order to make a future prediction for the context of our project, the concept of a pattern language becomes incredibly relevant.

The lecture explains that this pattern is informed by key social, economic, and enviromental principles which are specific to context.

In the instance of our Project 1 site, Paddington Central, our group attempted to outline these key trends in the area. The way we did this was to list the current trends in the area, such as changing demographic, housing market changes etc... and predict how these trends would develop in the future. We focused on the lccal scale as well as the global scale, since an informed prediction would have to consider both global as well as local issues as influencing the future of the area.

We potential in the area, as well the potential negative impacts that larger issues may have on Paddington, such as population increase, traffic congestion etc.

Since Paddington Central is currently low-density commerical / low-density residental, with a close proximity to the CBD, we decided to focus on the future of commerical developmets in the area. Due to it's location, and it's diverse character, Paddington has the potnetial to develope into an affluent suburb, with housing afforbaility to potentially drop. Our group discussed how to integrate low-cost housing and intellegant cultural/commercial developments.

We listed key feastures that would be desirable in a mixed use development in this location.
We also outlined the basic needs/wants of residents, and how the developmet would respond to this.
Our outcome was a concept we titled URBAN HIERARCHY or URBAN LAYERING.

This idea will be explored further, but it is currently a basic concept which re-invents the current trends in mix-use suburban developmets. Some key factors of this URBAN HIERACRHY are community, flexability, accessability, and adaptability.


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